Before I came to USF, I had always identified as Christian. My
dad had even once been an elder at our local church. But to me, I guess Christianity always meant going to church, praying occasionally, and doing the best I could.
In high school, people who took Jesus seriously were often mocked and called awful names. Deep down though, I found that I envied those people. I felt like a coward for not being as serious about my faith as they were, and I was convicted of my lukewarm ways. This conviction led me to want to pursue a closer relationship with God, and although I tried to pray and read my Bible more, nothing ever really worked.
I came to USF as an international student from Nigeria in 2021, alone and with no idea who I was. On my first day on campus I was thinking about finding a church when Sarah, a Cornerstone campus minister walked up to me. I would say that that day was the beginning of the rest of my life.
I expressed an interest in doing a Bible study with her, and while working through the Bible studies, the Lord opened up my heart and my eyes to see that there was nothing I could do in my own strength to be saved. He showed me that all I needed to do was put my faith in Jesus Christ, and I made this decision in early October 2021.
Fast forward nine months and it still brings me to tears when I think about how far the Lord has brought me. I went from sitting on the throne of my heart to laying down my life for the One who loved me. I went from not knowing who I was to having an unshakable identity in Christ. I went from being alone in a new environment to being part of an amazing church full of people who love me for who I am and help me grow every day.
There is no one I can thank but God who foreknew me and predestined me, who loved me first. All glory be to the God of my salvation!