
Growing up, I was fortunate to have parents that loved and believed in God and did their best to plant a seed in my heart to understand the sacrifice of Christ. My mother’s testimony served as proof. She was told she was infertile and yet still believed she would one day have a child. At the age of 43, she had me and named me Sarah, just like in the Bible. It was difficult to get connected to a church growing up because we moved often and my parents, being immigrants, struggled to speak English. However, during high school, I started attending youth group with a friend. I began to learn about God and His nature, but I was still living a life independent of Him. Each Wednesday night during worship I would sense His love for me and the draw to join into a relationship with Him, but I never truly surrendered my life to Christ.
I graduated high school in 2020 and moved to Tampa. Reality kicked in as I realized a new season of life was beginning for me as an adult. I sensed something was missing in my life and when COVID struck I became aware of just how temporary this life truly is. In June 2021, I decided to open my Bible, and turn to the Gospel of John. That night, reading John 3:16, I surrendered my life to Christ! With newfound confidence, I came back to USF for my first semester of in-person classes. I stopped for some free food at the annual Welcome Back BBQ that Cornerstone hosts and got connected to a student Bible study leader. Through our weekly Bible study, I learned to build a foundation on Biblical principles that have helped me to navigate life. I also learned the intimacy of God and how the Holy Spirit is my Helper and always available to me. I got baptized that November and later became a member of Cornerstone.
In March 2023, I had the opportunity to go on a trip during Spring Break to FIU to introduce students to the Gospel. Through this experience, I made deep friendships with people who were also pursuing God with their whole heart. Now I have so much more faith to see other students experience salvation like I did. Although this Fall is my last semester, I’ve been more involved than ever in spreading the good news at USF and HCC and introducing people to the love God has for them. I’m excited to see what God has in store for me as I graduate!
~ Sarah