
I grew up in a broken home. Because of the dynamics in my family, I believed lies about myself. I thought I had to be perfect and perform for my family and others, but I was left frustrated, lonely and depressed.
After high school, things got even harder at home. I became more depressed and had a lot of dark thoughts. But some how I knew everything was going to be okay. I wondered, “Was this because of God?” The Word I learned when I visited Sunday school a few times stuck with me, even though I didn’t understand it. Out of desperation, I left home to go to a Christian university out of state. I experienced the power of God in a very real way and I knew without a doubt that God was real and that it was Him who was speaking to me. Before returning home, I prayed with my roommate, hoping I would find favor with my family and that He would make things better.
After I went home, my family cut all ties with me, and we lost our home. I had to start a new journey on my own with my newfound belief in God. Although I now believed in God, I was heartbroken that He didn’t intervene how I would like Him to, but now I can see it was for the best.
I desperately needed people to teach me God’s Word. I found this after I did a survey with a campus minister from Cornerstone after I arrived on the USF campus. After a few semesters of Bible study, the Lord showed me Matthew 7:24-27; the house built on the rock vs. the house built on sand. I could see that my life, up to this point, resembled a house built on sand. I realized I needed God to build me into a new house on a new foundation, not change my surroundings. Therefore, I repented for my sins and put my entire trust in Him. A week later, I got baptized at my pastors’ home, and my life grew brighter.
I was no longer relying on my strength, but on what His Son, JESUS, did for me. The more I grew in trusting God, the more I trusted the people He placed around me. I forgave my family and received God's comfort and healing. Now I live with Christian roommates, serve as an usher at church, and help lead Bible studies so other students can learn God’s Word.
He has redeemed me entirely and taken what Satan meant for destruction and turned it into something good (Romans 8:28). I don't have to fear being hurt again because My God is a healer. He made me strong and victorious. All glory to God.
~ Beltha