
Growing up, my family and I attended church regularly. I believed in God, but had never made a decision to enter a relationship with Jesus. Last year I left my home in Jamaica in order to attend USF. I knew that I would need God’s help to keep me from all the distractions that college had to offer. Now facing my own challenges and decisions in life, I began to sense the weight of accountability that I had before God for the decisions that I made.
In my second week as a college student at USF, I was stopped by one of the campus ministers from Cornerstone while I was on my way back to my dorm. We sat and talked for a while, having an interesting conversation about God and how to have a relationship with Him. He invited me to church that upcoming Sunday and the experience was incredible! I was almost brought to tears by the music and the powerful message delivered by the pastor.
I began attending church regularly and started meeting for a Bible study with the campus minister I had met the week before. In these Bible studies I felt God drawing me into a relationship with Him. On September 11, 2018 I made the best decision ever by giving my life to the Lord and one week later I got baptized!
Soon after, I joined one of the church’s small groups and started to learn about how to be a disciple of Jesus. Since then, I’ve been sharing my faith with friends and family! Six of my Caribbean friends now come to church with me, four have started doing Bible studies themselves, and one just gave his life to Christ last week. I also had the opportunity to lead a prayer for a close friend during his baptism. I love getting to be used by God to reach my peers. Following Jesus will always be the best decision!
~ Samuel