
When I came to USF, it was during a time when my mom and dad were in the middle of a long and ugly divorce. I had stopped going to church when I moved up to USF because I didn't know of one to go to. One day on campus, I met Gabe who was a campus minister from Cornerstone. He was asking people to fill out surveys for his church. After talking, I decided to check out Cornerstone which was on campus, and to start a Bible study. The service was really great but the thing that really helped me the most was the Bible study we were doing.
I remember as a child asking Jesus into my heart and knowing for my whole life that He was my Savior. As a teenager, He called me to a deeper relationship with Him where I actually began to seek Him for myself by reading the Bible, praying, worshipping, learning to hear His voice and be obedient to His word. This was good and I believe I was saved at this time, but the problem was I had no foundation. Nobody had ever come next to me and discipled me to help me to grow in my relationship with God. As we went through the Bible study, some holes in the foundation of my faith became obvious, one of which was the Lordship of Jesus. I had given my life to Jesus, but I still needed to come out of the world in some ways. This as well as other issues were brought to light through personal one on one Bible studies. Through these, a strong and solid foundation of faith was laid in my life.
It has been two years since coming to USF and beginning at Cornerstone, and all throughout this time I have been growing in my relationship with God and maturing as a Christian. I have great hope of fulfilling the call that God actually has for my life. The discipleship has not ended as I am now learning to preach the Gospel to my peers by teaching Bible studies. My goal is that God would use me to bring others, who don’t know Him, into a relationship with Him and to help them grow in the Lord as they fulfill the purposes that God has for them.