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Anup's Testimony

Throughout my life, I believed that I was a decent person. I always tried to fix things in other people’s lives, but the thing is I never did that in my own life. I was never real with myself. I would tell my friends and family that I believed in God and His Word. I would pretend that I was praying in church, but in reality I truly did not believe in my heart that Christ even existed.

I made the decision to go to USF once I finished high school. During freshman orientation I was stopped by a student from Cornerstone Christian Church to take a survey that asked if I was interested in doing a Bible study and attending church. I agreed, but only because I wanted to please my mom and I also wanted to see if I truly needed God in my life.

I attended church on a random Sunday last September. There was a guest speaker who shared his testimony named Luke Bernard. His testimony was powerful. Luke got into a traumatic car accident and experienced life-threatening injuries that caused the doctors to believe that he would not survive. Through much prayer from his family, he was able to walk and talk in a supernaturally short amount of time. I realized that this was a miracle. This was God. That day at church, September 13th, 2015, I made the decision to truly believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is my Savior.

Through Him, I can be so much more than I thought I could be. I have a path to follow, but I’m not alone on this journey. Since making that decision I have become a member of the church, joined the usher team and am part of the Bible Study Leaders program. I have even had the opportunity to invite my roommate to church and see him make a decision to follow Jesus. I am extremely thankful for what God has done in my life and how He’s using me. I’m looking forward to what He has in store for me in the future.

- Anup

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